Sunday, August 26, 2012

Star Jump Sunday!!!!!

Today we went shopping & it seems that there is lots of entertainment & activities for kids here.

In the shopping centre car park they had Star Jump. 

Kids were pretty excited & each got a 5 minute go and had an attendant to help them bounce!!!!!

 And it cost Ksh1,000 which ~ $12 for all of them to have a go. 

Zane sat on the side of the trampoline while Zoe jumped & waited for his turn.

Zara jumped on another trampoline at the same time as Zoe.

Zane got harnessed up ready for the big jumping experience.

And then he got to JUMP!!!!

We got a photo with all the kids in it... Zara was jumping with  Zoe jumping in the background  & Zane was watching (he could almost touch Zara's feet!).

The kids had such a fantastic time & had this to say about it:

ZARA: "It was a bit scary at first because my attendant was pulling me down & he was holding onto my legs & it felt like they were going to fall off. And I did a really big bounce!!!!!" 

ZANE: "I such a good time that I didn't want to ever stop".

ZOE: "I wanted to stay there forever... It was really, really cool. My guy (attendant) was really funny".

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