Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Father's Day 2012

So, Father's Day 2012 was celebrated earlier in the year here, but since it was Father's Day in Australia we had it here...

We went out for a late breakfast to a fantastic cafe here called Art Caffe. 

We sat outside on the balcony, but quickly same inside as we had some lady smoking at the next table to us & it was awful! You take for granted stuff like that until you are somewhere else that doesn't have such strict & comprehensive smoking laws.

We had to wait for food, but the kids amused themselves with the toothpicks which are pretty much always offered anywhere you go that serves food (they have them like sachets of sugar on your table).

The kids ordered milkshakes & smoothies, which are interesting here as usually a milkshake is more like a thickshake & smoothies are more like a frappe (fruit juice/ice mixes) as they don't seem to contain any dairy. At least that is what happens at Artcaffe.

Also, you can't buy flat whites here... They just aren't on the menu. You can have a cappuccino which is almost the same as we have back home except with no sprinkling of chocolate. And lattes are sometime pretty dangerous things to order as they are usually a seriously big drink... We went out once & Tim ordered a latte it was almost a beer mug they gave him to drink his latte from.

Zara ordered a chocolate muffin...

And vanilla milkshake...

Zane had a vanilla milkshake & croissant...

Zoe had a mango smoothie...

And chocolate croissant...

I ordered a mushroom omelette which came out like this... From left to right (with omelette in the middle) I had salad, raspberry jam, marinated green olives, feta cheese, butter & guacamole... It might not look like this is a big plate, but it was!

Tim had an english breakfast...

And we got a basket of bread to have as well.

Happy Father's Day 2012 Tim!!!!

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